Beyond a Reasonable Doubt
Stills from Beyond a Reasonable Doubt (Click for larger image)
As directed by John Guillermin (who later! made The Battle of Britain in 1969), the film's main ! assets a re epic production values, great flying scenes, and stunning dogfights. The weak point is the sometimes ponderous character drama, not helped by Peppard, who is too lightweight an actor to convince as the driven antihero. Clearly influenced by Kubrick's Paths of Glory (1958), The Blue Max is a cold, cynical drama offering a visually breathtaking portrait of a stultified society tearing itself apart during the final months of the Great War. --Gary S. DalkinColourful and comic, Peter Max's art has been an integral part of contemporary American culture for more than three decades, beginning in the 1960s. His trademark posters have achieved international popularity. From being named Official Artist of the Grammy Awards for five successive years to painting a Continental Airlines 777 plane, Max's projects always garner enormous media attention. In this comprehensive Max retrospective, 350 colour images illustrate the artist's life and prolific career.Di! e Serie "Meisterwerke der Literatur" beinhaltet die Klassiker der deutschen und weltweiten Literatur in einer einzigartigen Sammlung für Ihren eBook Reader. Lesen Sie die besten Werke groÃer Schriftsteller,Poeten, Autoren und Philosophen auf Ihrem Kindle Reader. Digital überarbeitet und in allerbester Qualität und bei den allermeisten Titeln inklusive eines interaktiven Inhaltsverzeichnisses für einfache Orientierung.
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Das Werk wurde am 4. April 1865 erstveröffentlicht und zählt damit zum Frühwerk von Wilhelm Busch. Viele Reime dieser Bildergeschichte wie âAber wehe, wehe, wehe! / Wenn ich auf das Ende sehe!â, âDieses war der erste Streich, doch der zweite folgt sogleichâ und âGott sei Dank! Nun ist's vorbei / Mit der Ãbeltäterei!â sind zu festen Redewendungen im deutschen Sprachgebrauch geworden. (aus next installm! ent in the Harry Potter series finds young wizard Harry Potter! (DANIEL RADCLIFFE) and his friends Ron Weasley (RUPERT GRINT) and Hermione Granger (EMMA WATSON) facing new challenges during their second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as they try to uncover a dark force that is terrorizing the school.First sequels are the true test of an enduring movie franchise, and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets passes with flying colors. Expanding upon the lavish sets, special effects, and grand adventure of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Harry's second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry involves a darker, more malevolent tale (parents with younger children beware), beginning with the petrified bodies of several Hogwarts students and magical clues leading Harry (Daniel Radcliffe), Ron (Rupert Grint), and Hermione (Emma Watson) to a 50-year-old mystery in the monster-laden Chamber of Secrets. House elves, squealing mandrakes, giant spiders, and venomous serpents populate this loyal adaptation (! by Sorcerer's Stone director Chris Columbus and screenwriter Steve Kloves), and Kenneth Branagh delightfully tops the supreme supporting cast as the vainglorious charlatan Gilderoy Lockhart (be sure to view past the credits for a visual punchline at Lockhart's expense). At 161 minutes, the film suffers from lack of depth and uneven pacing, and John Williams' score mostly reprises established themes. The young, fast-growing cast offers ample compensation, however, as does the late Richard Harris in his final screen appearance as Professor Albus Dumbledore. Brimming with cleverness, wonderment, and big-budget splendor, Chamber honors the legacy of J.K. Rowling's novels. --Jeff Shannon